Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Really Over?

Another year in the books. It seems that every year I teach goes faster and faster! At the end of every school year, I start to wonder: Did I really teach any of my students anything? Will they remember when they come back in September? Have I done my very best? This last question, at least, I can answer in the affirmative. I won't know the rest until 2 months from now when I see them again.

I have big, big plans for this summer. I'm on the summer school sub-list, but never-mind that. Next week, I am attending a 4-day workshop about the CCS and technology, and I've signed up for several other PD opportunities as well. I've also got big plans for prepping for next year, too. I can't have another year where I feel like I don't have an overall plan for each grade level. I want to create a cohesive curriculum that makes students feel like they are a part of something. Of course, I also have big reading plans. I brought home about 40 books from my library, and I have several other books on my mind as well. What am I thinking?

Some of the major successes this year were the current events research project, author visits, literary lunch, library helpers, first grade community day, and managing to collaborate with at least one teacher at each grade level on a research-type project. I will definitely be using what I've learned this year to make these events and programs even better in the future.

I think I can do better with parent communication and advocacy. I want parents to know what's going on in library, and I want them to understand that it's more than just story time. My aim is to create a newsletter next year on a bi-monthly basis. Another challenge for next year will be our new databases. We were lucky enough to add several new databases, so I want to do my best to make sure they are used a lot! I also want to track more important statistics as part of advocating for the library. I want to make our community more aware of our Vibrant Library!

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