Friday, August 12, 2011

Thing 8: Google Calendar

I use Google Calendar all the time. I love it! I started using it last year when I was in two different schools and had to juggle both buildings' schedules both during the school day and outside of regular school hours. It did take some experimenting to figure out how to get events to display in a way that made sense to me, but then I discovered that you could set up more than one calendar in one place. Now events can be color coded, which is a nice update. However, I think I'll still continue to use multiple calendars because some of them are public (shared) and some are private. That way, when I embed the calendar in my library wiki, it won't show parents, students, teachers, or administrators that I have a doctor's appointment or a soccer game Wednesday night. 
I really like embedding the calendar in my library's page because it is a very visible way for me to show others what I am doing. It looks sort of lonely right now, of course, because it's August, but next month it will be jam-packed. Also, it's a great way for teachers to see if the library is available for a flexibly scheduled class.
I've been thinking about how to better use the calendar, and what I've decided to do is create a separate calendar (but all displaying in one place) for the library's daily schedule, a flexible schedule, my professional development, and for my professional responsibilities (faculty meetings, after school events). I think this way it will be very easy to track my involvement, which is especially important with the new teacher evaluations coming in the US. All in all, this is a very handy tool I use on a daily basis.

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