Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thing 7: Face-to-face Networks and Professional Organizations

I have been a member of the American Library Association - School Library Media Section, and of New York Library Association - School Library Media Section since I was in graduate school. It's a good way to stay connected, and it looks good on your resume. The NYLA membership often gets one discounts on NYS conferences, too, which is always great. Attending conferences always inspires me to try new things and forge ahead. The websites for these organizations have a wealth of online resources covering a huge range of topics. Now that I write that, however, I'm realizing that the online resources shouldn't really be the focus of this post, should it? However, that's how most communication takes place these days, not through a real "face-to-face" meeting. That said, I am glad I am a member of ALA and NYLA, although it sometimes hurts to write a check for membership - it is quite expensive for a non-student.
Someday I'd really like the opportunity to serve on an ALA committee - like the Newbery or something similar. However, I know you really have to put some time in in other areas, and I can't commit to anything else right now. I'll keep working at it, though, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. I must admit...I've let my professional library memberships lapse. Cost vs. benefit? Maybe. I like the idea of professional membership, but I've not been very participatory, and that may be my problem. Reaching and to the professional community both online and face to face--not my strong suit.

    Yay! You've caught up with your Things!
