Sunday, May 29, 2011

Thing 8: Video

A few days ago, I posted a video of Patrick Carman, who is totally awesome! I did that knowing that Thing 8 was about video, and was definitely pleased with how easy it was to embed it. I did originally think to myself that I was comfortable with Thing 8: I can upload a video to my blog and I've used a Flip Camera to record students, and I've also uploaded those student videos to my library wiki. I even managed the security of that wiki page to protect the students. With that in mind, I decided to challenge myself and try out a screencasting tool. I chose Screenr because it was the first one linked, and it was so easy, I don't think I'll try the other one!
I have a teacher for whom I set up a book club blog. The "book club" is a school-wide program with a group of novels based on a certain topic. I like updating the blog for him because I think it's a cool way for students to discuss books and I want to be involved, even though it isn't strictly "Library." It's a great way for me to begin to teach online etiquette. Anyway, I've shown the teacher how to update the blog himself, but, as with everything, if it isn't something you do frequently, it is easy to forget the little steps. He'd asked me to show him again how to add a blog post, and I said I would, of course. The task of trying to find a common time, however, became a problem. So - I created a screencast! Brilliant! It's a little choppy in the beginning, but I think it gets the job done. Hopefully with more practice I won't sound as choppy. This is a pretty specific and limited screencast - it's not meant to explain all the details. It's just a quick reminder for a teacher of how we set things up.

1 comment:

  1. Terrific! Love that you tried screenr! It's so easy to use and this is a perfect use of it. Great job.
